
  • This year, the conference will be held in person in Úbeda from 15 to 17 November 2024. It will include discussions, lectures by international architects and demonstrations by traditional building trades masters. These lectures and discussions will be dealing with the diverse topics of the conference.
  • It is also possible to follow it online since most of its cotents will be recorded and made available on the conference website weeks after the conference.
    The online programme is complemented by a series of pre-recorded lectures which will be available on the Conference website. These lectures are based on the articles, essays and works submitted to the fifth issue of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.
  • This conference is organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation, thanks to Richard H. Driehaus and the collaboration of INTBAU Spain, INTBAU Portugal, the Fundação Serra Henriques, the Ayuntamiento de Úbeda, the Casa Ducal de Medinaceli Foundation, the Asociación de Artesanos de Úbeda, the Centro de Estudios del Renacimiento de Úbeda, the Huerta de San Antonio Foundation and the Casa de Las Torres School of Arts.




Introductory guided visit to Úbeda



Institutional welcome, lectures by international architects and debates



Demonstrations by traditional building trades masters



Demonstrations by traditional building trades masters and closing visit



Registration is FREE but NECCESSARY

Places are VERY LIMITED.

In order to book a slot, please, fill in the form. The reservation of a place will be confirmed by mail. More practical details will also be given by said means

Previously recorded

Presentations of selected papers

These presentations will be virtual and will be recorded and made available on the website prior to the Conference.

Instructions for the selected authors to prepare presentations will be provided once the selection is notified.

In person and recorded


Guest speakers will lecture on the topics of the conference. These talks will be recorded and uploaded to the website conference several weeks after the event.

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is made up by experts that will peer-review and evaluate the submissions following the usual protocols of scientific journals.

Find out more about the Scientific Committee of this conference on the website of the Journal of Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism.




Urban composition and place making

  • Urban designs based on traditional patterns.

  • Town landscape and contextual architecture.

  • Vernacular urban patterns.

  • Civic art and public spaces.

  • Social and environmental sustainability in urban design.

  • Cultural landscapes related to traditional building patterns.

Traditional architecture and local identity

  • New traditional and vernacular designs.

  • History and theory of new traditional and vernacular architecture.

  • Studies on traditional and vernacular architecture of particular places or regions.

  • Preservation and transformation of local identity in architecture.

  • Social aspects of traditional architecture, its preservation and its contemporary continuity.

  • Practice of conservation and restoration of traditional and vernacular architecture.

  • Architectural tradition, environment and sustainability.

Building arts

  • Traditional building crafts.

  • Traditional building techniques and materials.

  • Regional and local building patterns.

  • Historic structures.

  • Social, environmental and economic impact of traditional building.

  • Intangible heritage studies related to traditional building practice.

  • Continuation and preservation of traditional building crafts.

Education and training programs in these fields

Organizing Institutions

The International Conference on Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism is organized thanks to Richard H. Driehaus by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation.

With the collaboration of Úbeda City Council, INTBAU Spain and INTBAU Portugal, the Fundação Serra Henriques, the Casa Ducal de Medinaceli Foundation, the Asociación de Artesanos de Úbeda, the Centro de Estudios del Renacimiento de Úbeda, the Huerta de San Antonio Foundation and the Casa de Las Torres School of Arts.