Results of the 2022 International Conference


The conference was held on November 18, 19 and 20, 2022.

Part of the selected papers and works were presented and also published in the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.

The International Conference on Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism: Timeless Architecture 2022 was organized by INTBAU, the Rafael Manzano Prize for New Traditional Architecture and the School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, with the collaboration of Kalam, the City Hall of Segovia, the Consorcio de Toledo, the Fundação Serra Henriques and the Centro de Investigación de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT-UPM).

Recorded lectures

Find below the recorded videos of the live program held online on November 17th, 18th and 20th, 2022.


  • Manuel Blanco Lage, Director of the Polytechnic University of Madrid School of Architecture
  • Fernando Vela Cossío, Deputy vice-chancellor for Strategy and Academic Organization of the Polytechnic University of Madrid
  • Alejandro García Hermida, Director of the INTBAU Initiatives in Spain and Portugal
  • José Baganha, President of INTBAU Portugal

Additional Presentations

Find below the additional presentations on the conference topics that were recorded prior to the live program. All of them were selected to be published in the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism. These presentations complement the contents included in the live program.

Dar Al Uquod: A Traditional House in Amman

Maher Azmi Abu-samra

Al-Jaleel Mosque, Jeddah

M. Hosam Jiroudy

Buildings in a State of Flux: The Wooden Churches of the Carpathians

Radu-Remus Macovei

Resurrecting the Detroit Central Farmers Market

Rudy R. Christian


Lander Uncilla Cortaberria

Similarities and Divergences in Attitudes Toward Georgian Irish Heritage

Samir Belgacem

Caracterización de los revestimientos tradicionales en la arquitectura vernácula de tierra del Valle del Limarí: Su papel en la conservación del patrimonio construido de Chile

Patrícia Marchante, Amanda Rivera Vidal

Corralas y corrales de comedia en Madrid: Historia dramática y tipología

Lisa Virgillito

Talla en piedra para el Sol Naciente: Historia de las réplicas japonesas de la fachada de la Universidad y del pórtico de la Natividad de la Catedral Nueva de Salamanca

Francisco García Moro

En busca de los estucos perdidos: Investigación histórica de paramentos tradicionales en edificios emblemáticos de Madrid

César Prieto Pérochon

A Chinese Renaissance: Henry Killam Murphy and His Interpretation of Traditional Chinese Architecture

Boyuan Zhang

Jonathan Weatherill

Two New Traditional Neighborhoods for the Town of Rozzano, Milan

Third Issue of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism

The publication of the third issue of the journal took place on November 8th, 2022.

Aimed at all those people and institutions interested in traditional building, architecture and urbanism, its contents are related to the theory and practice of these disciplines and were presented in this 2022 International Conference.