Results of the 2023 International Conference


The conference was held on November 16 and 17, 2023.

Part of the selected papers and works were presented and also published in the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism.

The Fourth International Conference on Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism was organized by the Traditional Building Cultures Foundation, INTBAU, the Fundação Serra Henriques, Kalam and the Ordem dos Arquitectos.

Recorded lectures

Find below the recorded videos of the live program held in Lisbon on November 16th and 17th, 2023.

Ameskar: Life Through Traditional Architecture

Bastidas Architecture

Master, Materials and Meaning: Traditional Art in the Making

M. Hosam Jiroudy

Teaching Architecture and Crafts: The Spirit of Companionship

Nadia Everard and Noé Morin (La Table Ronde de l’Architecture)

Place and Identity

Luís Rebelo de Andrade

Additional Presentations

Find below the additional presentations on the conference topics that were recorded prior to the live program. All of them were selected to be published in the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism. These presentations complement the contents included in the live program.

Town Hall in Koerich: Building for People, Not for Architects

Colum Mulhern

An Architectural Perspective on Sketching

Madeline Seago, Andrew Seago

La reconstrucción de centros históricos alemanes en el siglo XXI: Los casos de Fráncfort y Dresde

Rocío Gómez Llopis

Importance of Self-built Temporary Spaces, Between Traditional and Transitory Architecture: The Saharawi Wilāyāt in the Algerian Desert

Daniele Roccaro

In Search of “Architectures without Architects”: Crossing West and North Africa in 1978

Samir Nicolas Saddi

Ishaan: Our Planet’s Sun

Kanchi Parmar

Domingo tarde: Reflexiones en torno a la arquitectura tradicional diseminada

Jorge Moya Muñoz, Alberto Atanasio Guisado

Three Neoclassical Residential Building Projects in Russian Cities

Stepan Liphart, Ekaterina Liphart

Fourth Issue of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism

The publication of the fourth issue of the journal took place on November 13th, 2023.

Aimed at all those people and institutions interested in traditional building, architecture and urbanism, its contents are related to the theory and practice of these disciplines and were presented in this 2023 International Conference.